Thursday, December 17, 2015

One year later...

I just get back from dropping tiff off at the airport... I hear something crash to the ground as I enter the house. I proceed slowly. It's just he and I... Tiff on her way back to atl, mom at work and dez ubering (maybe).

I enter the room to make  sure everything is OK... Low and behold a huge puddle of pee and pee soaked clothes on the ground... The bed wet, his shirt and pants wet.

My immediate reaction: "come on dude, you can't have these wet clothes on the ground" Needless to say frustration sets in. I quickly simmer down as I know he needs my assistance : fresh clothes, a shower, clean bedding... & Pee free floor. I get to work.

Grab him some fresh clothes ask him to clean himself up and hop in the shower. I clean the floor first, his house slippers are also pee soaked... I dump the sheets and clothes in the washer... Search for clean sheets in mom's room.

Meanwhile he's taking a nice long shower... Steam is coming from the bathroom... I know how good that hot water feels. I ask him if he's ok... He says yes.

I proceed to changing the sheets.

He finally gets out of the shower and bathroom smelling fresh and looking better.  I ask "are you OK?" his response "no" I ask "what's wrong, what else do you need?" he said "I need to throw this (his old depends) in the trash outside"... He walks away very slow. I repeat what I said... He says again that he needs to go to the trash.

I go to my room and it hits me... Not like a ton of bricks, but very gently. I sob soft tears. I think to myself no one really knows the struggle... Then I think about the people who do, Stephanie, Anthony, a friend who recently lost his mom, my mom. Who am I to be sad? Do I have the right to be upset? The other night I was feeling down about this situation as well, and I was told that I'll get through it and that I'm strong. Sometimes i/you get tired of being strong... Then I snap out of my rut and work up the strength to be strong again... I have to be... Dont I? What else can I be?

One person that stays strong through it all is my mom... I mean she has her moments... But day in and day out dealing with my dad, her husband, and the same routine... How does she do it? How do we do it?

Thank you mother nature for my extra sensitivity this month lol (can anyone else sense my sarcasm)

He's in bed now...resting...and not ok. I don't think any of us are. (ok, that is).