Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's raining cats and...

not dogs :(  We still have yet to find my fat baby.  My mom went looking for him the other night, which I appreciate greatly.  It was so weird to not have him around for thanksgiving ready to chow down on his delicious turkey bone.

My dads birthday just passed on the 29th.  I told him happy birthday.  I went into the office to do branch work then I had to shoot to my other hustle, which led me to only see him for a minute that day.  He said it was just another day.  It is another day, but another day to be grateful that he is alive, isn't "lost", and can still perform most daily functions. He and my mom went to the mall and got him a gift, which he enjoyed.

Yesterday as I was leaving to head into the office my dad received a text from my uncle telling him happy birthday. So my dad asked him how he could text him back.  Dad has one of those cheap phones that you have to press the numerical pad 3 times to get to the letter you are trying to type, or set it to predictive text.  Explaining this to him was kind of odd, a small child would even understand how to do it. I basically had to respond to the text for him. I wonder if a smartphone would be a better idea; at least those are more intuitive.

Other random occurrences that have happened in the past few days:  Dad tries to wash his own dishes and put them away...on Thanksgiving as my mom was putting away the food she found a dirty tupperware.  She asked my dad not to put dirty dishes away.  I was sitting in the room with him and as she left, he looked at me and with all certainty said "I didn't do that."  Is that the dementia? Is that him thinking that he washed the dish completely? It might be a bit of both ::shrug::  He also hid some chips from when him and mom went to the movies up in one of the top cabinets in the corner.  Last thing is he put coffee in the water dispenser of the Keurig and tries to claim that he didn't do that either.  Now I know I didn't do it, Dez or my mom didn't.  Why would he do that?  Did he think he was using it properly? Was he trying to figure out how it functioned?  Either way he says he didn't do it, which is another response to question.  Now I have to remind him to leave the Keurig alone. I suppose that replaces the request to not over feed the dog.

I've also had to put the back gate key in my room to keep him from constantly going in the backyard to take one bottle back there at all times of the night and day, and to keep him from the weed killer, and also to make sure the gate remains closed and locked when no one is here.  I think it's safer that way for all parties involved.

I'm also on chapter 5 of My Stroke of Insight, which has provided me a bit more of the workings of the brain.  I'm thinking most of the lesions are on the left side of my dads brain...still have a lot more I need to read and understand at this point. One step at a time, I feel as though I'm getting there

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