Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hip hip hooray for mobile technology!

I am happy to report that my dad's new cell phone has finally arrived and has been activated. Somehow his phone always breaks or can't charge...this is his 3 phone I believe.  I'm thankful that this time he has unlimited minutes for free! My mom knows how to work out the deals ;) Funny thing is is that his phone came in the mail and we needed to wait for a letter with the proper activation code. A week goes by...nothing. While my dad was in the hospital last week, my mom took all his sheets and clothes to wash them, while gathering socks and other items under the futon he sleeps on she finds the envelope that we needed to activate the phone. He says his mail is addressed to him, so he gathers it and forgets about it and never opens it. Long story short the phone is working!!!

My mom programmed all of our numbers in his phone. I've been reminding my dad daily not to go out walking to get lost and to only stay on my far so good for this week! (although he did walk across a major street yesterday to vote a couple blocks away, he did tell my bro where he was going...doing his civic duty!)  My dad is a very social creature...he loves to meet and talk to new the phone is crucial! Especially if I tell him not to walk too far, there might not be anyone on the block for him to talk to, possibly causing him to venture further. So when my dad's phone is working he calls me at least once a day. He has called me the past three days! I remember once he probably called me like 7 times...but I don't mind, especially today, because I know he is safe or if he is lost he can tell me where he is. I find it very interesting that out of everyone's mom and bros have changed...he remembers mine even without it programmed in his phone.

My mom was also talking about ordering his GPS watch sometime this week...we can thank mobile technology again!

Hopefully sometime soon he'll get accepted into an adult day care so he can meet new friends.

Tonight I've been doing a lot of mind work and was listening to The secrets of vibration , and I'm curious about the frequency of 528 and the possibilities of the healing affects it could have with my dad.  He is currently laying on the living room floor because my younger brother kicked him out for not putting on his depends, and even after asking me to get him a pair still continued to lay on the floor instead of the futon. I attempted to get him up, he insisted that he was comfortable, so I got him my sleeping bag and his pillow. My fat baby (Xabi) laid next to him, so at least he had warmth and company.

Dad gets up about 5 times a night anyway to eat, rummage, and use the restroom; I'm sure he'll make his way to the futon eventually. It's a curious thing how that ego and the mind works.

Grateful for another day!

Ps. Another story I forgot to mention, but now I don't want to write too much on it, this morning as I was leaving for work I noticed the trash bag in the kitchen can in disarray. For some reason dad likes to take out the trash, but what he does is empty the bag into the the larger can and place the old bag back in the kitchen can. I had to ask him not to do that as I left once again. So now I'll be reminding him daily to only walk the block and also to leave the kitchen trash alone.

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