Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I can get frustrated sometimes

So I know the title of my post, but I want to start off with a positive note. Again I'm happy to report that we've gone two weeks with no missing dad! I start off my morning routine telling him like 5 things now: don't get lost, don't over feed the dog, don't dump the trash, don't use the ice maker, etc etc. some stuff is sticking into his subconscious!

Nevertheless there are some rough moments. Sometimes I just don't know if he's really there or not. Like last Friday night we had a really good talk, we chatted about my day his day etc. Every now and then when stuff piles up it becomes too much. Maybe I should have been blogging more so I wouldn't have blown up. Now my blow up was more emotional on the inside, on the outside I felt as though I remained very calm. Dad spilled juice on the floor, lied about it, and yelled at me because mom didn't take him to the movies when she got home from work...and called us (mom and I) liars. It makes me think about something I heard about how our emotions never grow up and we revert back to a 2 year old very quickly.  That made me calm down a bit...but I was just tired and I had to now clean this juice off the floor and it splashed on cabinets...it can be frustrating...it sometimes feels like nothing stays clean.  Does anyone else experience this?  Anyway, my solution is my Christmas gift to myself...all I want is one of those robotic mop/vacuum things. I wonder if they work...I looked at some vids online, but it still somehow makes me feel like the floor might not get that clean. All I think about it that old commercial "roomba roomba"...everytime I see a dirty floor now I sing that lil jingle.

That's my rant for tonight.

Roomba roomba

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