Tuesday, November 4, 2014


So I'm excited...I've been listening to this YouTube channel YouAreCreators and you know how YouTube will recommend similar videos and I happened upon (or did I) a video with Oprah chatting with Jill Bolte Taylor . The video was so inspiring and you know how when you listen to something or read something if it interests you you look for the agreement or how it applies to your life right?! As I'm listening to this maybe 90 minute interview I immediately begin connecting the dots with my dad and his ailment and Jill who had a stroke and how her state of being and brain were transformed because of it. And now I'm curious and wondering what his being and state of mind is. So I immediately ordered her book on Amazon called My Stroke of Insight in hopes that it will give me more insight on what's going on with him.

The video also drew me into my purpose and this entire situation of my parents moving in with me and the questioning of my dad having this ailment and what it means to me and why I'm attracting this. Obviously there's something I must learn out of this situation, but what is it? It draws me to my family and even myself and how we can become frustrated at times with the things he does, but then it makes me curious as to why he gets along with me so well and I can be patient with him (most of the time). So I'm feeling as though my path in this is starting to be revealed more as I begin to make these discoveries. What is my tone with him? What is my body language? Is he understanding me? And a lot of this can lend itself to other things in life. Then I feel as though another part of my purpose is to help my family in understanding his plight and to aid everyone in their patience, understanding, love, gratitude as I get closer and closer to those feelings and emotions so will they. These are the things going through my mind.  And Jill's whole journey was getting to this place of nirvana or "Inner Peace." I'm excited to continue to work towards my own inner peace and finding that nirvana and learning how to continually live in the NOW. The key here she says is to "Pay attention to your thoughts." A lot of the books and videos I've read speak to that and I'm always working on my thoughts and words...and now more so my emotions and feelings that also play a role in those thoughts. Now I'm always wondering how did I attract the things or situation I have around me, and working on being able to control that for the good of all!

Okay, I can keep going on forever ...I should really get to bed. Ready to close my eyes...more to come!!!

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