Monday, November 10, 2014

Success, baby steps

We had a successful week last week in terms of no lost dad!!! Woooooooo whoooo jump for joy! Everytime I leave the house I make sure to remind him to only walk to the corner of the street and back and to leave the kitchen trash alone. So far so good!

I had an interesting convo with my mom this weekend as far as her feelings about my dad. We woke up Saturday to my dad wetting hisself and some urination on the floor. So I mopped it up, no worries, no stress no strain...I had to leave to go to my office so my bro said he'd finish cleaning up. As my mom and I drove home after going to the office, she said everytime that kind of thing happens she feels bad for my brother and I. So I asked her what was he feeling bad going to solve? She said nothing but she stills feels bad. So I explained how I felt about the situation and I didn't need her to feel bad for me. I asked how could we transform the disempowering feeling? And suggested that instead maybe when she felt that way she could think about how she doesn't have to do all the work like she used to and she has Dez and I to help her which takes the strain from 1 and divides it into 3! So I'm going to keep encouraging her to transform that mindset so that she doesn't create a sickness in her self.

Also my mom is working on getting his paperwork together so he can get his adult day care paid for. Come on state...approve this and get your butt in gear!!!

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